Sony audio system MHC-510

After a long break, another equipment. It's really old Sony audio system MHC-510. This one is real energy thief! It uses 14.1W of power when in CD mode (no CD inside). Switching to AUX mode lowers power usage to 12.8W.

Playing music didn't change energy consumption (but IIRC I didn't play with volume much). So you'd expect it's better to switch this equipment to standby mode when it's not used? Not so much. It still uses 12.4W when standby! I don't know what uses so much power? The clock? Anyway, it's better to unplug this device, when not used...

speakers cisco music DIY soho network energy desktop monitor switch home voip sempron ARM laptop usb wifi gsm 5V huawei audio modem power computer amd printer phone router Intel Linux Raspberry Pi office